Knowing your basic math facts provides a crucial foundation to higher math.  Despite all of our technological advances and new educational theories, there really is no better way to learn math facts than to just memorize them.  *sigh*  However, there ARE some fun ways that you can practice them besides skill-and-drill!

1.  Get messy.  Show the problem and let your kid write the answer in sidewalk chalk, finger paint, shaving cream, glitter glue, whatever floats your boat.

2.  Get dice-y.  Roll two dice and add/subtract/multiply/divide the numbers.  (You can actually buy math dice online, but I like to take the cheaper route:  Buy a bag of 1" wooden cubes at a craft store and write the numbers on in permanent marker.)

3.  Get techy.  There are lots of free apps to practice math facts.  PA Cyber students also have free accounts on First In Math, where they can earn stickers for their accomplishments.

4.  Play Bingo.  Seriously, kids will practice ANYTHING if they get to do it by playing Bingo.  Write the answers on the Bingo cards and use flashcards to call out problems.

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